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Memo to McCain: Running Against Woodstock Is Not the Best Strategy

    John McCain is up with a new ad in New Hampshire reprising his high moment from the recent GOP debate when he went after Hillary Clinton for attempting to fund a Woodstock museum. Yes, it was a great line and a great moment, drawing a standing ovation. And yes, it reminds us that McCain was a POW and war hero.
    But Woodstock was, well, almost 40 years ago. GOP candidates were able to wave the bloody shirt for decades after the Civil War to get themselves elected. But does waving a tie-dye shirt work as well? This ad reminds voters that McCain is old – if elected he’d be the oldest person to assume the office for the first time in American history. In a campaign that has limited funds to spend on advertising and message, is this really the issue on which to take a stand?
    One other thing: A lot’s been written about McCain’s staff. We’ll leave that to others but on the basis of this spot, he could definitely use a new keyboard player. Maybe that’s the point -- Jim Morrison is rolling over in his grave.

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