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My last entry was two months ago, unbelievable. And a LOT has happened. To move backwards in time....Our daughter will be 4 weeks old on Sunday, and we are in major crazymode w/hours and nursing and notsleeping and all that. We had a great birth experience (no meds! no nothin! brilliant doula!) but my last trimester I caught every bug going. This is what comes from volunteering in one's small son's kindergarten class. I got sick and sicker and tireder and on week 37 was diagnosed with bronchitis, which is brutal and which took 2 rounds of antibiotics to cure...That took us to week 39, at which point early labor was the story, not to mention complete reluctance to venture into the world. The good news is that as soon as I gave birth my health kicked back in, and all's well again. So a lot of you have responded to queries for cuspies and I will be getting to these as soon as I finish the May Sun signs. The other good news is that I actually wrote a week of moon signs WHILE IN LABOR which means I'm either crazy or tougher than I thought despite all the flubugs. So thanks for checking in. I'll be back...

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Monday, May 04, 2009  |  Sign In  |  Register
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