
Meet the Mayor: The Publick House

Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

The Publick House
Jon Gilman

I'm told they offer a significant variety of beer from Belgium here?
They do. I think American craft beer is getting on par with the Belgians, but there's something about like having a Chimay and knowing the same thing was brewed by monks in the 1500s. That's kind of cool, and the Publick House helps relay that experience.

I read on the internet that Belgium exports more chocolate than anywhere else in the world. What do you think of chocolate?
I love chocolate. Actually, Mystic Brewery, which is local, makes a porter with chocolate in it. The chocolate adds a heaviness and creaminess to the beer. It doesn't taste like a cupcake, but it adds a little bit of dessert flavor.

I also read that Belgium was where Napoleon finally got beat. Do you think he'd enjoy hanging out here?
I don't think Washington Square really wants Napoleon hanging around. I think the scene at the Publick House would be a little too chill for him.

Could George Washington beat Napoleon in a drinking contest?
Um, yes, based on ... Actually, let's just leave it at that.

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