
[live recap] Bozmo album release @ O’Brien's

I rolled up to the BOZMO album release party at O’Brien’s last Monday just as the first band was going on, and already there was a crudely handwritten sign on a sheet of white paper that plainly stated “sold out!” I was pleased, and I’m sure the bands were too.

I hadn’t done any research on The Clippers before I showed up, but I was given a strong recommendation by Liz Pelly, knowing that we both have an affinity for 90s Cap’n Jazz-era emo punk. The Clippers did not disappoint. It was barely 9:30 and the crowd was going bonkers, spilling beer and dancing with both arms raised high.

“I keep calling the Big Big Bucks the Big Big Butts,” said Clippers frontman Josh Croteau.

Up next were the Big Big Butts. The only way to describe these guys is LOUD. And fun. And nice. What more could a band possibly offer? The dancing continued.

Just before 11, the quiet and calm Bo Moore walked on stage, along with hyperactive and jittery Jeremy Mendicino. J-Raff and Johnny Matthew followed suit and the band took off playing almost instantly. Bo looked a little subdued for his own sold out album release party, but I’m sure he was just being modest. Many in the front row shouted along to the entire set -- looks like Bozmo already has a killer following of kick-ass fans, thanks to his immaculate garage pop hits.

At the end of the set, the crowd hollered for an encore that Bozmo simply couldn’t perform, because they already played almost every song off their debut album Hosanna in the Highest. Bo apologized and left the stage with a smile. The floor was soaked with beer, and everyone in O’Brien’s was soaked with sweat, the way any good Allston indie rock show should go down.


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