Catch Reks Tonight @ The Middle East

If you're a frequent reader of this blog, then you know damn well how much faith we have in Reks, who's rocking tonight at The Middle East with Moe Pope, Singapore Kane, Kali, Wispers, JFK, and a few other cats who you should be up on. As you might have realized - we don't do much show promo here on JTTS (unless, of course, Trees is benefiting from it financially), but this is a show that should absolutely not be slept on. If you're looking for Mass talent, then look no further...
Here for Reks MP3 of the Week - "This or That"
Here for 2008 Phoenix Feature on Reks
Here for Reks Tracks
Here for Singapore Kane Tracks
Here for Kali Tracks
Here for Moe Pope Tracks
Here for Blackargo Tracks
Here for Wispers Tracks