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Enough with the mindless GateHouse bashing, already!

Enough with the mindless GateHouse bashing, already!
Recovering Journalist blogger Mark Potts today pans the NYT Co. for " wimp[ing] out " in the face of GateHouse Media's lawsuit--and, in the processes, advances the widespread notion that GateHouse's suit was unjustifiable: [I]n waging...
by Adam Reilly | Jan 28, 2009 | with 5 comment(s)

Don't oversimplify the GateHouse fight

Don't oversimplify the GateHouse fight
According to one school of thought, GateHouse's decision to challenge's " Your Town " approach in court merits utter contempt. As a commenter on Universal Hub said : "This is a clear case of a bunch of morons who skipped...
by Adam Reilly | Dec 23, 2008 | with 6 comment(s)

GateHouse vs. the Globe: Yes, it's on

GateHouse vs. the Globe: Yes, it's on
About that Boston newspaper war I mentioned a couple days ago? Between GateHouse and the Globe? Well, it just got a whole lot nastier . As Dan Kennedy notes, there's a very important issue at play here: Since is selling advertising on its...
by Adam Reilly | Dec 22, 2008 | with 2 comment(s)

Boston's next newspaper war?

Boston's next newspaper war?
What interests me most about this article isn't that's street-cleaning alert system isn't working well for Somerville. It's that GateHouse--which publishes the Somerville Journal and the related site Wicked Local Somerville...
by Adam Reilly | Dec 17, 2008 | with 2 comment(s)

Beverly's Horrible, must-see video

Beverly's Horrible, must-see video
Yesterday at Media Nation, my friend and former colleague Dan Kennedy argued that the Beverly Citizen erred in posting video footage of the Beverly Horribles parade, which contained some pretty off-color references to the ongoing Gloucester teen-pregnancy...
by Adam Reilly | Jul 09, 2008 | with 1 comment(s)

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