Boston music news: December 21, 2007Notes on a series of benefits for T.T. the Bear’s Place's Jeanne Sheehy December 17,
2007 3:36:44 PM
The Sheila Divine
Over the past quarter-century, you’d have found JEANNE SHEEHY behind the bar at T.T. the Bear’s Place most nights, but now, she says, “I can only do a couple of nights every other week.” Sheehy has inoperable cancer and is undergoing chemo, which leaves her “kind of tired.” Out in the Boston rock world, that means it’s benefit time. T.T.’s booker Randi Millman put together an Outlets-helmed gig earlier this month, and now more shows are in place. On the 21st, it’s the SHODS, the PILLS, AD FRANK, the DOWNBEAT 5, Scarce’s JOYCE AND CHICK, AUTO INTERIORS, and JONNY PAPE. On the 27th, it’s the APPRECIATION POST, TAXPAYER, the SHEILA DIVINE, and ORBIT; on the 28th, GRAVEL PIT, FRANCINE, BAKER, the DOUGLAS FIR, and JULES VERDONE; on the 29th, BUFFALO TOM, THALIA ZEDEK, MEGHAN TOOHEY, and KEYS TO THE STREETS OF FEAR. “In constructing the bills for the benefits, I wanted to reach out to bands that consider T.T.’s their home,” says Millman, “and also to bands that I know Jeanne has a special affinity for. Jeanne is a class act, and all of us at T.T.’s adore her.” For the moment, it’s even helped get the Shods and Pills back together, says Dave Aaronoff, who played in both previously defunct bands. For her part, Sheehy says she’s enjoyed her life “out of the limelight, by choice” and is slightly embarrassed by all the attention. Still, “it’s just amazing, the outpouring of caring. I’m grateful.”

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