Warm and Scratchy14 new and exclusive tracks from "Adult Swim" May 29,
2007 11:58:04 AM
Warm & Scratchy
The Cartoon Network’s “Adult Swim” isn’t just about programming smart animation for Futurama and Family Guy addicts. No, as the network’s collaboration with DangerDoom (a/k/a Danger Mouse and MF Doom) demonstrated last year, “Adult Swim” has mighty fine taste in music. And the folks there have been kind enough to put together an on-line compilation that’s all accessible free at www.adultswim.com/williams/music/warmandscratchy/. The virtual album is called Warm & Scratchy, and, as the press materials explain, it offers “14 new and exclusive tracks from bands that sound . . . well . . . Warm & Scratchy.”
TV on the Radio, “Me-I”
Take away all the electronics, strip TV on the Radio down to some tinkling piano and a few harmonica blasts, and suddenly you realize that Tunde Adepimbe doesn’t need all that clutter to support his playful poetics. A little human beatboxing at the end adds some groove to this demo-like version of the tune, and as a bonus, “Adult Swim” has created a free streaming video that’s every bit as surreal as you’d expect.
The Raveonettes, “Dead Sound”
A little Link Wraygun guitar, a driving drumbeat, and some boy/girl harmonies are all you usually get from a good Raveonettes tune. But this one has a gutsy bridge — the kind of anthemic, synth-laden climax that has you hoping it’ll come around just one more time. And so it does.
Les Savy Fav, “The Equestrian”
Not entirely sure what this one has to do with horses, but it sure does gallop along at a brisk pace. And it captures the noisy, almost out-of-control, post-punk drive that Les Savy Fav have always had an easier time bringing to the stage than to the studio. Besides, I’ve never paid that much attention to their lyrics.
Broken Social Scene, “Canada vs America”
Unless you’re talking hockey or medical insurance, it’s been a long time since Canada’s had much to brag about, especially in the rock department. I mean, Loverboy? Bachman-Turner Overdrive? Crash Test Dummies? But lately, all the myriad folks associated with Broken Social Scene have been giving the Amerindie scene a real run for its money. Hell, it may be the best thing to happen to Canada’s rock image since Neil Young hooked up with Crazy Horse. And this, well, it’s a noisy throwaway, the title’s the punch line, and the mere fact that it’s still holding my interest is a tribute to just how good these guys are.
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