No one knows the genesis of the Reuben sandwich, a famous deli staple that combines corned beef, sauerkraut, Russian dressing, and Swiss cheese between slices of toasted rye bread. Some say it originated in a New York City restaurant; others claim the sandwich was born at a late-night poker game in Omaha, Nebraska. Whatever its history, there’s no better place to continue the debate than at Doyle’s Café, the Jamaica Plain establishment where many an argument — political and otherwise — has been fought, and a few matters have even been resolved. At Doyle’s, the sizable Reuben is served pressed between pieces of warm, comforting dark-rye toast, with thin-sliced beef, cheese, a hearty helping of ’kraut, and Russian dressing squeezing out the sides. (There are turkey and meatless versions for health-minded types.) Enjoy it with a Guinness, and you won’t care where the sandwich started — you’ll just be glad it’s here.
Available for $8.95 at Doyle’s Café, 3484 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain | 617.524.2345.