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For his OP antics, Whiting was barred by the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) from Orchard Park and other BHA developments. BHA director of Public Safety Curtis Jones says there were two basic reasons for that. One, Whiting was never an official resident of OP. And, two, he was allegedly involved in criminal activity, including drug dealing.

As the New York Boys allegedly spread their toot roots through Orchard Park, there were the inevitable beefs with the indigenous drug dealers.

Although police sources finger Whiting as a major coke and crack costermonger, there was a time, says one cop, when he also dabbled in heroin. As the cop tells it, the New York Boys gave their standard spiel to some local drug hoods. "We're in here from New York. You're gonna sell our drugs or you're not gonna sell any at all." The Boston boys obliged. Trouble was, Whiting & Company refused to stamp their smack with a brand name, as other dealers have done, using trademarks like Adidas or AK-47. Nobody was buying the stuff. Everyone thought it was a burner bag. Swag.

Whiting, the cop says, hung tough. "You're not gonna sell my brand, you're not gonna sell none at all. I'll give you a little more time. You don't sell it, you'll see what happens."

Again the Boston Boys hit Whiting with the same lame story. "Nobody trusted the brand. You gotta put a stamp on the brand."

"I'm not puttin' nothin' on nothin'," Whiting reportedly said. According to the cop, the upshot of Whiting's ultimatum wasn't pretty.

According to two police sources, even the cops aren't safe. At one point, they say, the word on the street was that Whiting had put out a contract on a South End police detective after one of Whiting's boys got busted with large amounts of drugs and cash. The cop reportedly was transferred off his regular beat.

As the New York Boys solidified their control of the OP crack biz, police say, they got aggressive and established drug-dealing beachheads on Geneva Avenue, in Fields Corner, Mattapan, and Grove Hall, and in the Bromley Heath and Lenox-Camden housing projects. Naturally, this did not go down well with the Boston brotherhood. One classic battle in the New York-Boston crack wars was staged in December 1988 on Elm Hill Avenue, in Grove Hall. It seems the New York Boys had opened a crack house in an Elm Hill flat, according to a police source. The apartment was occupied by a mother and three daughters who shard a common love interest: crack. As the cop tells it, the New York Boys gained entry by offering the ladies drugs and/or money. A small group of alleged Hub dealers moved in to take over the operation. One of the daughters paid the price for letting them in -- receiving a pistol whipping from the no-nonsense New Yorkers. After the local crew tried to take over the den for the third time, the daughter -- who despite being a basehead still could recall the sting of a gun thrashing -- started dropping quarters to the New York Boys in OP. A New Yorker named Chill, a/k/a Chill Will, arrived with a special-delivery message for two of the Boston Boys, who were cousins. He shot 'em, killing one. Last the police heard, Chill was on ice down in New York. But he'd done his job. According to the police source, Chill was a strong-arm man for the New York Boys. New York attitude, fuckin' A.

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    Mr. Darryl Whiting, 34-year-old president of Corona Enterprises, was late for his nine o'clock appointment. The assemblage waiting on Whiting got so nudgy they had him paged. No show.
  •   THE ADDICTED CITY  |  April 03, 2008
    This article originally appeared in the April 1, 1988 issue of the Boston Phoenix.

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